Spring Framework 6 And Spring Boot 3

"Spring framework 6.0 and Spring Boot 3.0 release" Spring framework 6.0 is generally available from 10 days ago (11/16/2022). I am very eager to test its new features and more than that, use it on a real project. I think that new Spring framework 6.0 is Spring’s plan to tackle all challenges from previous versions. New powerfull competitors like Quarkus and Micronaut emerged these years with neat and beautiful features that invites Spring to a fight, and this is Spring response to those invitations! So lets take a look at Spring framework 6.0 new features!

Spring framework 6.0 new features

Spring Boot 3

The new version of Spring Boot, Spring Boot 3.0 is released with new Spring Framework 6.0. So all new changes in Spring framework 6.0 automatically applies to Spring Boot 3.0.

Java 17

Spring Framework 6.0 minimum Java version is Java 17. You can use new cool features from Java 8 to Java 17 in your Spring or Spring Boot projects! If you want to see a list of those changes in Java versions see “Java Features from Java 8 to Java 17”.

Jakarta EE 9

Spring Framework 6.0 supports Jakarta EE 9, with a focus on the recently released Jakarta EE 10 APIs such as Servlet 6.0 and JPA 3.1 (Hibernate 6.1) at runtime. It is now compatible with the latest web servers like Tomcat 10 and Jetty 11.

Upgrade to Kotlin 1.7

If you like most of the Java developers, like kotlin, then this is a good news for you! Now you can use Kotlin 1.7 in your Spring and Spring Boot projects! Visit “What’s new in Kotlin 1.7.0” to know what is new in Kotlin 1.7.

GraalVM Native Image

With the rise of shorter start-up time and lower memory consumption needs, now GraalVM has kept the Java world very busy! Native Image as part of GraalVM allows JVM-based programs to be compiled ahead of time (AOT) to create a binary that starts natively on the respective operating system.

Compatibility with virtual threads

Java Virtual Threads (Project Loom) is available since Java 19 in September 2022 as a preview feature. Virtual threads dramatically reduce the effort of writing, maintaining, and observing high-throughput concurrent applications. If you want to know more about visit “Embracing Virtual Threads”.

Remove all deprecated features

‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍S‍pring framework 6.0 and Spring Bo‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍‍ot 3.0 now removed all long-deprecated classes and features. So if you want to migrate an old project to Spring/Spring Boot, you have to be very cautious!